Los chicos de 2° grado, durante la hora de General Knowledge trabajaron con números, sumas y restas. A partir de ese conocimiento y utilizando las operaciones básicas dramatizaron un «almuerzo en un restaurant» a través de diálogos y pagando con dinero de juguete.
3° grado estuvo trabajando sobre las diferencias entre la ciudad y el campo. Luego, acompañados por sus docentes, hicieron una recorrida por el barrio observando los distintos lugares y comercios de la zona.
During the General Knowledge class, the children in second form, have practised sums and they pretended to be in a restaurant acting out situations where they asked for some food, and used money to pay and give change. The children in 3rd form studied life in the city, and in the country and then they went with their teachers round the neighbourhood and saw the different shops afterwards they were able to compare different lifestyles .